Play together, grow together

Work together, grow together

Eat together, grow together


FloreoKids Quality Handbook

Our procedures are mentioned in our Quality Handbook. You can find this book in all daycares. A few important procedures are also downloadable, see links below.

Food policy and healthy treats

In our food policy it can be found that healthy treats are important as a good contribution for their development. This is also why we ask parents to keep treats as healthy as possible. For healthy treats, we’d like to redirect you to, or postergezondetraktaties.


Choose FloreoKids

Choose FloreoKids

Choose daycare with room for everyone's talent and involvement in the local community. Let’s grow together!

Talentgericht werken

Talentgericht werken

Bij FloreoKids (h)erkennen en stimuleren we de unieke talenten van élk kind!

Our daycare locations

