Children’s daycare Pimmetje
Professional children’s daycare
Pimmetje provides daycare for children (ages 0-4) in Leiden since the first of june 2001. At Pimmetje we work with vertical groups, which means children ages 0-4 years old are mixed. There is a maximum of 12 children in the groups, who are all being taken care of by two employees per group.
PPimmetje provides care for five groups.
There is one group from 07h00 until 19h00, the other four groups are available from 08h00 until 18h00.
Children’s daycare for people from Leiden and Oegstgeest
Pimmetje is located at Rijnsburgerweg 140 in Leiden. This is right next to Oegstgeest and very close to Leiden Central Station. Right in front of Pimmetje is a bus line, directly to Leiden Central Station.
You can read more about Pimmetje in pedagogical work plan.