Samen spelen, samen groeien

Samen werken, samen groeien

Samen eten, samen groeien

Extra-educational toddler care

There are three types of spots at the extra-educational toddler care:

  • Toddler-care spots

    These spots are meant for couples where both parents work or study.
  • Extra-Educational spots

    for children with (care) indication (with a referral from the child health clinic/ consultation office).
  • Asscher-spots

    For children who don’t meet the requirements in the first two categories.

To obtain optimal results with the language-coaching programme “Uk en Puk”, the government decided that these children have to attend two mornings per week, each 5 hours.

Tarifs peuterspeelzaal en peuteropvang 2023


FloreoKids has eight educational toddlercare/daycare locations

ve peuterspeelzaal Het Torentje (Leiderdorp)

ve peuterspeelzaal De Papegaaien (Leiderdorp)

Peuteropvang De Spetters (Leiderdorp)

ve peuterspeelzaal Ukkepuk (Woubrugge)

ve peuterspeelzaal de Barg (Hoogmade)

ve kinderdagverblijf Bonte Koe (Hoogmade)

ve kindcentrum De Tovertuin (Leiden)

ve kindcentrum Kudelstaart (Kudelstaart)

Uk en Puk: a good start voor Primary School

At the educational toddlercare locations/daycare locations, we use 'Uk and Puk,' an early childhood education program. Children participate in this educational program with a strong emphasis on language development. This provides children with a solid foundation for primary school. We opt for a structured approach to also stimulate children in other areas of development. This makes the toddlercare a challenging environment for all children. Parents are closely involved in this program, both at home and at the preschool.

Children with language or speech delays receive a referral from the health clinic and are given priority placement at the toddlercare. Referred children are placed for a minimum of two mornings.

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Choose FloreoKids

Choose FloreoKids

Choose daycare with room for everyone's talent and involvement in the local community. Let’s grow together!

Talentgericht werken

Talentgericht werken

Bij FloreoKids (h)erkennen en stimuleren we de unieke talenten van élk kind!

Our daycare locations

