Frequently asked questions
We try to inform everyone as well as we can, via our website, the intake and (news)letters. Our protocol, procedures and work-instructions regarding all company processes (from pedagogical policies to policy for accommodation, and quality policy to personnel policy) are documented in a quality handbook, which are available at all locations.
As additional information, hereunder we will answer the FAQ’s. If your question cannot be found on the list, do not hesitate to contact us by phone at the Central Office. The central office can be reached on Mondays through Fridays, from 09h00 - 17h00 on the following phone number (+31) 71 - 581 7777.
The moment you can register your child is:
- For toddler care and toddler playroom starting the age of 1
- For daycare: starting at your pregnancy
- For Out-of-school care: starting the age of 3
When children, registered at the daycare or toddler care, turn 3 years old, the parents will receive a letter saying that they can register their children for out-of-school care.
When parents/ caregivers place a child with special needs, it is the parents’ responsibility to inform FloreoKids about this. The employee of “planning and placement’ will inform the manager. This may lead to a meeting with parents and manager. The manager judges, in consultation with pedagogical employee(s), if the child can be registered and placed.
In consultation with the pedagogical employee you may, if the group size and composition allow, reserve extra (parts of) days. We will bill these afterwards. You can read more about switching days and extra days in the terms and conditions
No this is not possible.
With a contract for daycare including holidays and the holiday-contract for after-school-care, you are entitled to daycare during holidays.
Check when the doors are closed here
Please note, for holidays such as the summer-party, we may change the opening hours.
You can read about the days that FloreoKids is closed here:
You can use out-of-school care with FloreoKids on days off from school. The condition is that you let us know at least a week before. FloreoKids will decide on the location for the day off.
Daycare on days off costs extra. When you book a day off, where your child will be taken care of by us, this one will be charged. It will also be charged when not used, since we use extra staff.
You can book the extra day on the FloreoKids app/ parent portal.
Childrens’ Daycare, toddler care and toddler playroom
You need to notify the child's absence before 09h00 to the pedagogical employee at the location and via the FloreoKids app/ parent portal.
Parents are asked to notify any vacations 8 weeks beforehand on the FloreoKids app/ parent portal for planning purposes.
We also need to be notified before 09h00 for children using the taxi, via the FloreoKids app/ the parent portal.
FloreoKids expect all parents to provide all information, relevant to provide good childcare for the children, to the pedagogical staff from the group. Hereby, we also expect that the parents provide us with any information changing, concerning house addresses and phone numbers, via the FloreoKids app/ parent portal. It is of utmost importance to have the right details, so that we can reach you when there are emergencies.
Parents/ caregivers who are too late with picking their child(ren) up, need to sign a document “Pick-up after contract-time”. Which wwe keep at the central/ main office. If you’re late for the third time, you have to pay a €75 fine, every following time the fine is €25.
When the child enters another group from FloreoKids, we still keep up with the registrations for being late. A registration “pick-up too late” expires one year after the date of registration.
You can’t apply the fines for childcare allowance, whereas you also can’t ask the money back at the tax office.
When children are sick, they need special care and rest, which we cannot provide at FloreoKids during that time. Sickness, in our terms, can be found in the protocol for sickness and casualties (downloadable at Procedures).
A sick child cannot enter the premises of the daycare. When a pedagogical employee deems necessary, a child has to be picked up by the parent/ caregiver to be kept at home, and/ or may not be admitted for the period of illnes.
It is mandatory to provide the daycare with phone numbers from home and work. You have to be reachable when the child turns ill. It’s also necessary to provide an extra phone number and an emergency address for emergencies.
In case of calamities or emergencies the pedagogical employee will always reach out to the parents/ caregivers to discuss the follow-up. It might be necessary to go to a doctor, hospital or dentist.
FloreoKids trusts the parents to inform them about all relevant information about the health of their child before admitting them to the daycare, or to inform them when any troubles are identified (e.g., chronical illness, allergies).
Pedagogical employees do not carry out any medical actions in accordance with wet Big (Big-law, you can inform yourself about this in the protocol for illness and casualties).
You can end the contract by email or by correspondence. The date of reception by FloreoKids is decisive, the period of notice will be from this date on. You can email the termination to
Termination can be done at any moment, the period of notice is 1 month. The date of reception by FloreoKids is decisive for termination of the contract. The month’s notice will begin at that moment. You will receive a confirmation by email.
The employee from Planning & Placements will confirm the exact date of termination of the contract with you.
The contracts can also be terminated by law:
- The contract is until the child enters secondary education (After and before-school-care).
- The contract is until the age where the child goes to primary education (Daycare/Toddler care/ Toddler playroom).
U kunt ook tussentijds schriftelijk opzeggen. Hiervoor is altijd een maand opzegtermijn van toepassing. Dit geldt ook als het contract nog niet is ingegaan, bij verschuiving van de ingangsdatum en bij vermindering van het aantal opvangdagen of -uren. De datum van ontvangst is leidend.
A suggestion, complaint and compliments can be made via the mail-forms on the website. You can find this under Forms.