Sign up
Welcome to FloreoKids!
Enroll your child for:
Childrens’ daycare, from pregnancy
Toddler daycare, when your child is 1 year or older
Out-of-school care, starting the age of 3 and over
You can enroll your (future) child through the link INSCHRIJVEN. (Sign up)
* Between-school-care, when your child goes to school at primary school Ter Does at Hoogmade You can enroll by clicking on this button: Lunchtime supervision Ter Does
Given our current waiting lists, it is not a given that we will be able to place your child on the desired start date and/or care days.
We ask for your understanding in this regard.
More information needed?
All registrations go through the FloreoKids Central office
- Are you already a client, but want to change childcare? Or have been a client in the past? Please email
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (+31) 71 - 581 7777 - Would you like to register for multiple locations? Please indicate this in 'comments' in the registration form.
Any other questions?
The employees of Planning and Placement will be happy to discuss the possibilities with you. They can be reached at telephone number: 071 - 581 7777